the second part and the first request. this is kim and she's one of the most imposing people in the world. she's also a giant sweetheart. rife with independence, she's 1000% my favorite person ever to hear talk about how settling down doesn't mean giving in. sometimes i bait the conversation just to hear her say all of the things.

this person is also crushing the vancouver acting scene. one night on a rainy fire escape through a bathroom window, scot said "kim has the type of personality that's like 'this thing that usually takes 10 years, i'm going to do it in 2' and she does." 

and she is.

guys, it's been SO LONG since i've done a proper portrait. available light with natural modifiers and for an application that filters in post and film-emulation won't work for. i love filters, don't get wrong. but there's something about doing a professional portrait without any studio strobes or artificial anything that reminds me what i love about this....craft. that sounds pretentious but doing work like this does make photography feel more like a skill than it does in other instances. 

here's kim.

ps, tell me she doesn't look like katie holmes in a few of these sike no don't she does just shut up.