there's one photo in this series that killlllllllls me. 

it's the only "formal" shot of these three standing and kim has this look on her face that's too good. scot's being a dad (and a babe), holding an actual babe who is making a standard "look at how adorable i am no seriously" face and then kim is just there. half this-is-my-family on her grin and half i'm-owning-life-right-now in her eyes. it's like, what even is that? get that hand down, goodness gracious.

i won't be doing family portraits on the regular, i know that for sure. it's nowhere on the site because it's nowhere in my brain. but dear god i love that photo. even though i don't want to take photos of families as part of a business ever again, i will always love hanging out in a home with people that i love and shooting them being who they are and doing life.  

now look at one of the cutest children to never stop smiling at me ever thanks ttyl.